First City Pride Center’s directory of LGBTQIA+ friendly businesses in Savannah and surrounding areas. A new directory is released bi-annually. Click below to download the current edition or advertise with us!

LGBTQIA+ owned, operated, or friendly business?

See below to advertise in our next directory!

Where can I find the Equality Directory?

The Equality Directory is available at First City Pride Center, many local businesses, dispersed at all First City Pride Center outreach events and tables, as well as being the official program for the Stonewall Block Party and Savannah Pride!

Need to check gender neutral restroom access? Check out Refuge Restrooms along with our directory.

LGBTQIA+ Owned? Operated? Friendly?

Advertise in FCPC’s Equality Directory!

The 4th Edition of the Equality Directory will be published in October 2023.

Deadline for advertising and ad submission is September 15th, 2023.
